Spendthrift of Genius - four versions
OSCAR WILDE (colourful granite sculpture)
DUBLIN, Ireland, 05.08.2004
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2005-06-22 23:08:18
    Versjon #2
  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-22 21:55:14
    Versjon #3
  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-22 21:59:17
    Versjon #4
  • Canon PowerShot A60
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  • Blender-
  • Nei
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Olav L.

This is a rather difficult statute to photograph (I did it myself two years ago). I like the comp in both shots, though I think v2 suits the statue itself better. Too bad about the blotch in the background there. perhaps some editing in some program would get rid of it, or at least minimize it?
In v1 the face is slightly burned out, but other than that, very good balance in the crop.

Judit W.

Thank you, O, for the useful comment. It seems the new versions are better a bit. I just didn't correct my photos until that time and after a while I didn't care about doing it with my uploaded pictures.

You are right; to take a photograph of this statue was very difficult, especially because the public park at the Merrion Square was closed in the afternoons in March 2000. Standing on the fence, grabbing the railings for protecting myself from falling down and shooting ... it is just not the best combination. I don't even remember the result of the whole process (I stayed alive).

I was luckier last August – and some of my pictures are here :)

Judit :)
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